Dear Petland,
I have heard that you have been not only been buying dogs from puppy mills, where they mistreat their animals in many ways but you've also been lying to your customers about it. Your customers trust you to tell them everything they need to know about the pets they are considering to buy. I think not telling the that you buy your dogs from puppy mills is a very big piece of information that you are hiding from them. Not only that you don't tell them voluntarily but when they ask about it you lie. In my point of view buying dogs and other pets from puppy mills and lying about it is just as evil as actually mistreating the dogs yourself. I think this because by buying the dogs from them you are kind of showing that you support their ways and telling them to keep doing what their doing. To them they will do anything to make money and if what they're doing is making them money they will continue to do it. Why buy dogs and puppies from puppy mills when you could help the shelter by taking them in? Then you could have people adopt them rather. This would really help the dogs and shelters a lot. Every year a lot of puppies and dogs are "put to sleep" which is another way of saying killed all because they don't have enough space for them in the shelter. The dogs are only put to sleep when they can't find homes for them. Well while you're selling dogs and making money you are also causing less people to adopt from shelters and also causing more dogs to be put to sleep every year. I truly think that you should stop buying from puppy mills. It is effecting dogs all over. If not your customers should at least know what they are buying which is a dog that was bought from a puppy mill where they were mistreated. They have the right to know. I've been wondering why you guys would lie about such a thing and I realized that you're probably scared that you would lose your customers if you told them the truth. What your doing is wrong though. Your customers should be allowed to decide whether they would like to buy what they are buying and you have no right to lie to them.