Well before i was talking to two different robots. One was named Suzette and the other was named Splotchy. Neither of the robots seemed human at all. They would say things that didn't relate to what we were talking about out of no where. One minute we would be talking about health then the next about pets. It just wasnt anything like talking to a real person. Another thing is that they responded too quickly. It seemed like they had an answer already planned out for you... which they did. I asked them a bunch of questions like where do you live and are you a robot? I asked them these questions to see if their answers would seem like they were actually people. They denied that they were robots of course and even added a few lines saying that robots suck and everything. It was still really obvious that they weren't human though because whenever someone says shutup to it, it would say the same thing everytime. "Have fun talking to yourself for a minute or two." Like really who says that? Not anyone human that i know of. Also they would use big words and talk all scientifically. It was too robotic and they didnt even understand aim talk. If you mispelled a word or shortened it they wouldn't understand you. I understand that it isn't easy to make a robot that could actually seem human and pass the turing test. It is hard to come up with an answer that would stay on topic for all of the different things that people say since you can't come up with an answer to every single question out there. So they have to think of things to say that can answer a lot of different stuff. It's all really complicated and I don't think I would ever want to try to make one of those chat bots.
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