I'm not the type of gold digger that you think I am. I am actually one of the children here in Africa that have to dig for gold at gold mines. I work for long torturous hours everyday but still I barely have enough money to eat let alone support my whole family. I live a lonely life with no friends because no one has time to talk when we have so much work to do. I once did have a close friend but that was a long time ago. He died when we were little, his body couldn't take what they made him do and soon enough he fell ill. It wasn't long before he was gone from the face of the Earth. Everyday I go to work holding onto the memories of him. I wake up before the sun comes up and walk for hours just to got to the mine. By the time I get there my feet are sore from walking bare foot but the work didn't even start yet. When I actually do start working it gets much worse. My hands burn from the mercury, my muscles ache from the hauling of heavy things, and the wounds I get from lowering my self into mine shafts 40 feet down never get the chance to heal. Every minute I sleep, I dream of the day that I will be able to live a normal childhood without the labor an work.
what a vivid and haunting story you have imagined- quite a talented writer you are!!
that story is totally cool! i love your hunting story and i like it because it tells a lot and it gives a lot.
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