Hmmmm... I have been thinking thinking about getting a tattoo(I'm not really planning on getting a tattoo) because they seem cool but I realize that there are a lot of drawbacks about them. Like the fact that if you have a tattoo, it is very hard to find a decent job. A lot of places have a job appearance requirements that includes no tattoos. Apart from the things you need to survive, what if I don't want it anymore? Then the only way to get rid of it is through a very painful process, and I don't know if you're some phsyco person that loves pain and bloodshed but I am the type of person that likes to keep my tears and blood in my body. I flinch from anything sharp or pointy like needles. Besides after you get rid of the tattoo, you will probably end up with a scar that will be a new permanent tattoo and not a pretty one either. If anything I would rather keep my old tattoo then get a big ugly scar. Another bad thing about having a tattoo doesn't hit you right away. It happens when you get old. Around the time when you get wrinkles and your skin starts to sag, that's when the effect starts to kick in. As your skin starts to sag so does your tattoo. It gets all wrinkly, so wrinkly that soon people will have to spread your skin to see what your tattoo is actually of. That can get really annoying. Having people crowding around you all the time. So those are the reasons I don't want to get a tattoo. There are a lot of good things about tattoos though too.
Starting with them just looking nice. :] Another thing that is good about a tattoo is it can express your personality and interests in a whole new way. It can show some people just how much you really care about them if you get it for them sometimes too. Besides almost everyone has at least one tattoo now a days. It almost seems like in order to fit in you need to have a tattoo. Then at the same time who really wants to fit in. I for one love being unique. I know it seems like I'm contradicting myself right now but the point is tattoos have it's ups and downs. I guess that's all the good and bad things about tattoos that I can come up with. Feel free to add more things if you like. So what do you think? Should I get a tattoo? Are they hot or not?
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