Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009

MaMa always told me I couldn't save the world,
But I wanted to be a hero
To shine like a pearl
Now here I am defeated to bits
Guess I finally got tired of taking the hits
The villains attacked day after day
My adoring fans soon began to call me gay
Other heroes think I'm lame
That I put everyone to shame
My time has come to retire
Now that my back is against the wire
Abandon Ship !!

Sometimes officials intentionally sink ships. You may be wondering why on earth would they do something so out of the ordinary. I'm guessing that they have their own reasons. I think that it is because they want to create an artificial reef, a place where sea creatures can live. Also, I think that they want a new thing for divers to be excited about. Usually, divers go to the natural coral reefs. When divers do this, it causes harm to the coral ecosystem. By the officials making a artificial reef, it will draw attention away from the natural coral reefs, helping the environment stay healthy and out of harms way. Some of the artificial corals weren't sunken intentionally. A couple of them were actually ship wrecks. One of the oldest ones was found and searched. Inside the ship, modern treasure hunters found tons of riches. As you can see, it's not only about loving the earth and caring for the ecosystem. Anything that they do must have to have something to do with money. At least this is what I think.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I just finished watching 3 videos about animals in their habitats. The first video I watched was of a shark in the ocean trying to get food. They continuously tried to catch the group of seals that were swimming around. You could see that the ocean was very fierce by the way the waves splashed. In the second video I saw a fox hunt for her children. She took the baby geese when the parents weren't there. When the parents saw what was going on they quickly rushed to their child's rescue. In the end the fox only got away with one of the baby geese. When he got back to his home all of his children fought for the little bit of food that he brought home. I could tell that the parents of the baby goose that got taken away was hurt deeply by the way they cried. In this video I can tell that in the wild it's survival of the fittest. The last video that I watched was of birds in the jungle trying to mate. The male would dance around trying to get the females attention. Sometimes if the female is interested they would go up to the male and they would be together. If she wasn't interested she either ignored the dancing male or just fly away.
The environment in the videos are very different from the environment we have in the city. Here in the city we have many cars and people but barely any trees. The three different video showed three different types of living environments. In the first video it showed the ocean, wild and blue. The waves were powerful and no land was anywhere near to be seen. In the second video it showed very dry land. The ground was a light brown which kind of reminded me of sand. If i remember correctly there were cactus's just like the desert. The last video showed the rain forest. It was full off different plants and greenery. Even the birds were different colors and very bright. You could hear the many different noises of the living animals in the back round. The insects could also be heard above all the others.
Out of all the environments that I have seen in the videos, I think I would like to travel to the rain forest. It seemed full of life and exciting. I imagine that in a place like that, unexpected things may happen. The birds were of the brightest colors and they catch the human eye instantly. Even the green trees were very breath taking. The moist, fresh air makes the place seem like a great place to be.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
EMOtional Robots

In the movie "AI", the roboticists try to make robots that think and feel like humans. I think that they should avoid this because robots will never really have a heart and they can never truely feel happy. They may show their expressions on their faces but they don't really feel it. I think if scientists actually try to make a robot that really does feel and look like humans, it will end up disastious. Mainly because of all the robot movies that I have seen where the robots malfunction and then they take over the world for a while. Well... it could really happen, you never know... lolss. I don't think that robots should have human rights like getting married because we are trying to make robots seem human which they are not! It's all fake and mechanical. They don't and can't love or have any feelings.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Turing Test ;D

Well before i was talking to two different robots. One was named Suzette and the other was named Splotchy. Neither of the robots seemed human at all. They would say things that didn't relate to what we were talking about out of no where. One minute we would be talking about health then the next about pets. It just wasnt anything like talking to a real person. Another thing is that they responded too quickly. It seemed like they had an answer already planned out for you... which they did. I asked them a bunch of questions like where do you live and are you a robot? I asked them these questions to see if their answers would seem like they were actually people. They denied that they were robots of course and even added a few lines saying that robots suck and everything. It was still really obvious that they weren't human though because whenever someone says shutup to it, it would say the same thing everytime. "Have fun talking to yourself for a minute or two." Like really who says that? Not anyone human that i know of. Also they would use big words and talk all scientifically. It was too robotic and they didnt even understand aim talk. If you mispelled a word or shortened it they wouldn't understand you. I understand that it isn't easy to make a robot that could actually seem human and pass the turing test. It is hard to come up with an answer that would stay on topic for all of the different things that people say since you can't come up with an answer to every single question out there. So they have to think of things to say that can answer a lot of different stuff. It's all really complicated and I don't think I would ever want to try to make one of those chat bots.

I just finished watching a video about different types of robots. Some of the different kind of robots are humanoids and androids. Humanoids are robots that have any human like form such as legs and arms. Androids on the other hand are robots that look and act exactly like humans. The more robots look like humans, the more people like them but to a certain extent. A japanese robotist named Masahiro Mori came up with a scientific explaination for this. He called it the uncanny valley. The uncanny valley is when it looks too much like a human and people get repulsed by it. Over the years robots have changed and grown alot. I feel like one thing that they will never poses is true feelings. They might have the ability to create facial expressions but inside they don't have a heart. I don't think that they could ever love or have real feelings. They calculate everything and don't do what their hearts say because it's all what the logical choice is to them. I think that this is something that humans will always have that robots can't copy
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
De Beers

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
wHat dO3s iT meAn?!?!? 0.o

I've been wondering what that dream I published last time. Before I just thought of it as just a random dream that had no reason to it. Then Mr. Lahana the meany wouldn't let me leave it at that. He kept saying that there is no such thing as a random dream and that every dream had a meaning. So I guess I have to make up some reason for my dream, even if it's doesn't make sense. I think my dream was expressing the differences between my mom and I. Well if you read about my dream then you would probably be wondering how in the world did messing up fried eggs and knitting white socks get to your relationship with your mom? I would've never even come up with that idea if the meany didn't help me. When he explained it to me though I understood the connection. Well basically when Erick messed up the eggs she overreacted but I was just wondering why was my mom acting like that? I mean like she was yelling that he had to pay a fine for messing up the eggs! Who does that? That is pretty much how it's always like between us. She always overreacts over every little things like missing a single dish when washing the dishes. Once my sister did that and she got grounded for like a week. Even worse she always lecture people nonstop for hour saying the same thing. To me she's a little crazy, not even going to lie about that. She believes that when your a kid, your whole time should be concentrated on schoolwork and homework. I don't even think she believes in fun. She never let's me out just to hang out unless I do a whole bunch of chores and even after that sometimes I still can't go out. Errrr I think I just lost my point. So back to the dream and what this has to do with any of that. I guess the dream is showing that while my mom overreacts over everything I'm more like a person who let's things slide. Yeaaa... does that make any sense? Do you see how it connects to the dream? If you don't too bad because I don't how to phrase it any other way. That was only the first part of the dream though. The second part of my dream I'm still not sure about. Mr. Lahana said that it might mean that people like Brian makes me feel comfortable. That people like him make me comfortable enough to do things I usually don't do because in the dream I put on the scarf but in reality I dont wear scarfs at all. They make me feel like I'm trapped and I guess a little clusterfobic. Is this true? I dont know but I think I do feel more comfortable with Brian than I do with Erick. I wonder if my interpretation of my dream has anything to do with what the dream really meant. If it doesn't at least I tried. But in the end I still don't understand what the whole I knit white socks was about. I still think that that was just a random thing that came out of no where no matter what Mr. Lahaa says. HAHAHA!!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
erRrrR w3irD dReAmZ

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